Class Of Chemicals

[Biology Form 4] Class Of Chemicals

Cells need various types of organic and inorganic compounds to enable them to carry out their functions, as well as build their cellular components. While organic compounds contain the element carbon, inorganic compounds do not.

Below is the classified descriptions of chemical compound.


* Starch made up of long chain of glucose
* The ratio of C:H:O in it is 1:2:1
* Cellulose that strengthens the cell walls of plants
* Maltose can be converted into glucose by hydrolysis
* Its glucose molecules can be converted into glycogen


* Cholesterol is an example of it
* Fats have the triglyceride molecules in them
* Fatty acids can be saturated and unsaturated
* The hormone testosterone is an example of it

Nucleic Acid

* An example is the DNA found in the nucleus of a cell
* Genetic material that directs protein synthesis
* Contain pentose sugars and phosphate groups


* Amino acids are its building blocks
* Nearly all enzymes are examples of it
* The haemoglobin molecules in the red blood cells
* Builds muscles and aids growth


* An inorganic compound with no carbon in it
* A polar molecule with two H atoms and one O atom
* A universal solvent
* Acts as a medium for reactions in one's body


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